
The source of the material in this website is Sōke Kaichō Kinjō, himself. For over 30 years, Sue Crow of the Minnesota Kōburyū dojo has been taking notes at every seminar, both during in-person seminars and more recently during the online seminars and discussions. It is her pleasure to provide what she hopes is an organized approach to understanding the true depth of Kōburyū.

Sōke Kaichō Kinjō urges us all to do our best to become great Kōburyū martial artists. His greatest hope is that one day one of us will surpass him. To every seminar, online and in-person, he brings tools to help us reach that goal. His concern is that the younger generation has a tendency to think “I can’t attain that level” rather than “I want to attain that level.”  Of course, who hasn’t watched Sōke Kaichō Kinjō and thought “I can never do that?” Sōke Kaichō Kinjō  advises us is to build a strong foundation.  Start with the basics and build from there. Don’t look to the top. You will only become discouraged. Enjoy each step along the way.

Ganbatte kudasai.
頑張って 下さい。
Please do your best!

A Recommendation

Sōke Kaichō Kinjō recommends that you keep a martial arts journal.  Take notes whenever you learn a new technique.  Write down what you felt or thought as you practiced.  Document insights and new ideas.  Develop critical observation skills.  This will help you improve faster. To Sōke Kaichō Kinjō,  the study of karate is endless and deep. He has written volumes of notebooks over the years.  The accumulation of such notes will further our style.