About The Japanese Language

Over the years Sue Crow has worked to determine the correct kanji, spelling and definitions of the words and martial arts terms frequently used by Sōke Kaichō Kinjō. She understands that you may not be in the least bit interested in learning Japanese. Then learn as much Japanese as your sensei expects of you, even if it’s only the numbers for counting. If you begin to develop an interest, then the information is here for you.

Japanese for the Martial Arts

Learning Japanese – My Story

Japanese Quirks You May Be Wondering About

This is not intended as a Japanese language tutorial, but there are a few quirks to the Japanese that you will encounter as a martial artist that could use some superficial explanation. What follows are answers to common questions. For instance, when is a punch tsuki and when is it zuki? And why is a kick sometimes geri and sometimes keri ? What about keru? Is that also a kick? Good questions.

Different Words for the Same Thing

Same Sound But Different Meaning

Verbs and Nouns



Variable Pronunciations