The Future of Kōburyū

We here in the US, have had many opportunities to study directly with Sōke Kaichō Kinjō. We have received the benefit of learning not just how to perform the techniques, but also why they work and how to apply them. Kōburyū cannot be learned by rote repetition. It must be studied in depth. The future of Kōburyū depends on your willingness to make the extra effort to truly understand.

The following poem written by Sōke Kaichō Kinjō speaks of his values and his hopes for the future of Kōburyū.

The Way of Kōbu (English)

The struggle to improve
Is the way of Kōbu.

Show respect and propriety
For parents and those who came before.

Continuously polish over many years
Humility and purity of heart.

Value harmony with others.

Though you may take a different path
My own way is Kōbu.

It will continue even after my death.

Sōke Kaichō Kinjō’s poem was, of course, written in Japanese. There is no way to literally translate from Japanese into English. The grammar is very different. The translated words, while seeming similar, may actually convey quite different meanings or feelings. Therefore, the translation process should more accurately be called interpretation.

The Way of Kōbu (Kanji)

Read in columns from right to left. Every two columns is a statement. The right-most column is the title, Kōbu no Michi.

The Way of Kōbu (Romaji)


Should you want to memorize Sōke Kaichō Kinjō’s poem, use what you know of Japanese pronunciation. Remember to read from right to left.