Terms for Taisabaki Waza

The Warm-up Taisabaki Waza

  1. Jōdan □ Chūdan □ Gedan No Tsuki  (Jō Chū Ge No Tsuki)
  2. Gedan □ Chūdan □ Jōdan □ Sokutō Geri  (Ge Chū Jō Sokutō Geri)
  3. Tateken Chūdan □ Shō Jōdan □ Hiji Uchi  (Tateken Shōte Yoko Hiji)
  4. Kakato Geri
  5. Ryōte Uraken Uchi
  6. Kaiten Mawashi Geri
  7. Mawashi Tobi Geri
TermKanjiRelated TermMeaning
chūdan中段chūmiddle level
hiji elbow
jōdan上段upper level
kaiten 回転rotation
kakato heel
mawashi回しturn or rotate
ryōte両手 both hands
shō palm of the hand
shōte掌手shōpalm of the hand
sokutō足刀knife edge of foot
tateken縦拳 vertical fist
uchi打ち strike
uraken裏拳 back of fist
yoko side to side

The Core Taisabaki Waza

  1. Jōdan Tsuki Uke
  2. Jōdan Tsuki Uke □ Gyaku-te Seiken Zuki
  3. Ryōte Tsuki Uke
  4. Kōsa Uke □ Shō Oshikomi
  5. Kōsa Uke □ Zensoku Geri
  6. Kōsa Uke Dōji Geri
  7. Gedan Tsuki Uke □ Ryōte Mawashi Ashi Barai
  8. Gedan Tsuki Uke □ Sukui Age □ Zensoku Geri
  9. Gedan Tsuki Uke □ Sono Te De Jōdan Age Uke□ Gyaku-te Chūdan Zuki
  10. Kōsa Uke Kara □ Ryōte Shō Oshidashi
  11. Kōsa Uke □ Ryōte Shutō Kubi Uchi
  12. Kōsa Uke □ Shutō Suihei Uchi
  13. Kōsa Uke □ Shutō Ōfuku Uchikomi
  14. Kōsa Uke Dōji Shō Ganmen Uchi □ Gyaku-te Chūdan Zuki
  15. Kōsa Uke □ Gedan Shō De Kime □ Sono Te De Ganmen Uraken Uchi
  16. Kōsa Uke □ Shutō Suihei Uchi □ Zensoku Kakato Geri
  17. Kōsa Uke □ Shutō Suihei Uchi □ Kōsoku Kakato Geri
  18. Zensoku Kakato Geri Dōji Ni Uraken To Seiken Zuki
  19. Kōsa Uke □ Hiza Geri
  20. Kōsa Uke □ Yoko Hiji Uchi
  21. Kōsa Uke □ Tate Hiji Uchi
  22. Kōsa Uke □ Furi Hiji Uchi
  23. Kōsa Uke □ Shūkoken Uchi Dōji Ni Shō Oshikomi
  24. Ryōte Hiki Uke □ Kōsoku Chūdan Geri
termrelated termKanjiMeaning
ageageru (vb)挙げrising
ashisokufoot or leg
harau (vb)
dashidasu (vb)出しextend
de with
dōji 同時simultaneous
dōji ni 同時にsimultaneously
fumifumu (vb)踏みstep or stomp
fumikomifumikomu(vb)踏み込みstep into
furi-buri furu (vb)振りswing
keru (vb)
gyaku opposite
gyaku•te 逆手opposite hand
hiji elbow
hikihiku (vb)引きpull
hiza knee
jōdan上段upper level
kakato heel
kara からfrom
kimekimeru (vb)決めIn this context, kime means to deliver.
 back or behind
-komikomu (vb)込みinto
kōsa 交差cross or intersect
kōsa uke 交差受けcross block
kōsa uke kara 交刃受けからfrom kōsa uke (no pull back)
kōsoku 後足back foot
ni Used in many ways.  In this case its purpose is similar to adding –ly to create an adverb in English.
no of or belonging to; also connects two nouns to show a relationship
ōfuku 往復retracing the same path
oshi 押しpush
oshidashioshidasu (vb)押し出しpush out; push away
oshikomioshikomu(vb)押し込みpush or crowd into
ryōte 両手both hands
seiken 正拳regular fist
shōteishō掌低heel of the hand
shukōken 手後拳back of hand fist
shutō 手刀sword hand
sokutō 足刀foot sword
sono そのthat
suihei 水平horizontal
sukuisuku’u (vb)掬いscoop up
tate vertical
to and
katanasword or knife
tobitoberu (vb)飛ビjump
tsukeru (vb)
突きpunch or thrust
uchiutsu (vb)打ちstrike or hit
uchikomiuchikomu (vb)打ち込むstrike in
ukeukeru (vb)受けblock
uraken 裏拳back of the fist
yoko sideways; horizontal
zen front
zensoku 前足front foot
tsukeru (vb)
突きpunch or thrust