

The Kōbukai is the an association of dojos connected by their adherence to Kōburyū as a style and Sōke Kaichō Kinjō as the sole arbiter of the style. While Kōburyū is small in numbers compared to the more established styles of Okinawan karate or kobudō , the Kōburyū Kōbukai is international in scope. There is a long-standing presence in the US and Fukuoka, Japan, and a more recent presence in France and China.

The Kōbukai in the US

The name of our Kōburyū organization in the US is Okinawa Kōburyū Karatedō Kobudō Kōbukai. To be perfectly clear, we are the US chapter of Okinawa Kōburyū Karatedō Kobudō Kōbukai.

The Kōbukai in Japan

The name of the Kōbukai in Japan is also Okinawa Kōburyū Karatedō Kobudō Kōbukai, but spelled out in Japanese, of course:


The name looks intimidating in Japanese because the Japanese language does not use spaces between words. Separated into words, the name becomes less intimidating:

沖縄 ▪ 孝武流 ▪ 空手道 ▪ 古武道 ▪ 孝武会

沖縄 Okinawa

孝武流 Kōburyū

空手道 Karatedō

古武道 Kobudō

孝武会 Kōbukai

The Kōburyū Mission

Karate is a fighting art. The most basic goal of Kōburyū is to learn to use 100% of your body strength so that you are prepared to defend yourself anywhere/anytime. Unlike sparring, where the goal is to score points, the purpose of karate is to end the fight as quickly as possible. Even better, end the fight before it begins through simple avoidance or by using reason or cleverness. If the fight cannot be avoided then the opponent must be dealt with in such a way that he or she becomes:

  1. demoralized and unwilling to continue.
  2. disabled and unable to continue.

Hands and feet can be neutralized by moving outside the line of the attack and/or by grabbing the opponent’s arm or sleeve to take control the opponent. If the opponent carries a weapon, the weapon must be neutralized. Either pound the weapon out of the opponent’s hands or attack the hands in such a way that the weapon can no longer be used effectively. In either case, counter the attack by striking vulnerable points of the human body.