Dan Promotions

dan black belt and above

The levels of karate performance from black belt and above are called dan. Progression through the dan levels can be compared to earning an undergraduate degree (shodan) and then continuing on to graduate school. The dan levels reflect specialized training and independent study with the goal to help the student become an expert their chosen field of study. Each dan advancement is expected to be a demonstration of the student’s increasing independence and expertise.

  • Independent Study
    The dan student is expected to dedicate themselves to individualized learning while still enjoying support and input from the sensei.
  • Collaboration
    The dan student will work closely with the sensei as opposed to simply receiving information from the sensei. The sensei can be compared to a graduate advisor, helping the student to attain his or her unique goals.
  • Creativity
    The student is encouraged to think critically and logically, seek out answers to questions, and incorporate those findings into their personal skillset.
  • Leadership Opportunities
    The dan student gains the necessary skills to mentor other students or begin to teach classes, first under a sensei but eventually independently as a shihan. Communication, teamwork and time management skills
  • Character Development
    The dan student develops self-awareness and self-confidence as they work to become an expert in their area of interest. Perseverance, commitment, and independent thought are key.

The Ten Dan

Shodan初段Black with gold embroidery 
Nidan弐級Black with gold embroidery 
Sandan参級Black with gold embroidery 
Yondan四級Black with gold embroidery 
Godan五級Black with red embroidery 
Rokudan六級Black with red embroidery; one red stripeRenshi
Nanadan七級Black with red embroidery; two red stripesKyōshi
Hachidan八級Black with red embroidery; two red stripesKyōshi
Kyūdan九級Black with red embroidery; three red stripesHanshi
Jūdan十級Black with red embroidery; three red stripesHanshi
(optional)十級Red with black embroidery; no stripes
Hanshi embroidered above the name