Kyū Promotions

The levels of karate or kobudō performance below black belt are called kyū. The kyū system is very like the grades in elementary school. As you advance through the grades you expect to learn new things. Unlike the school system, there is no consistency in the martial arts world for the number of levels below black belt or for the colors of the belts. The US Kōburyū Kōbukai has chosen the following system:

Kyūclass, rank, gradeWhite belt
10十級JukkyūYellow belt
9九級KyūkyūOrange belt
8八級HachikyūBlue belt
7 七級NanakyūBlue belt with one black stripe
6六級RokkyūGreen belt
5五級GokyūGreen belt with one black stripe
4四級YonkyūPurple belt
3三級SankyūPurple belt with one black stripe
2二級NikyūBrown belt
1一級IkkyūBrown belt with one black stripe

Testing for Promotion

There are many good reasons for having a karate test.  Knowing that you have a test coming up may cause you to pay closer attention in class.  It’s a good time to polish up your technique and make sure you have not been relying too much on the senior student’s lead.  Most students find that tests make them nervous.  This is to be expected.  Practicing hard and knowing the material well will help you do well, even while nervous.  Passing the test will give you a feeling of accomplishment.  You may find that you approach your new level with increased enthusiasm and positive attitude. 

It is important to watch other student’s tests, even though you may not be testing yourself.  Observe how to act.  Know what to expect so that you won’t feel so nervous when it is your turn to test.  Most of all, you will be showing support for the students who are testing.

You can learn a lot by watching tests.  If someone makes a mistake, you can avoid making the same error.  If someone does something especially well you can copy them, making your own technique or behavior better.  Listen to the corrections, too.  Are you making some of the same mistakes?

Many students are surprised to find that techniques they can easily performed as a group can be very confusing when performed alone.  Be prepared.  Practice on your own so that you do not have to rely on your fellow students.

The Kyū Certificate

Upon successful completion of a kyū test the student may receive a certificate recognizing his or her achievement. Awarding the kyū promotion certificate is optional. The head of the dōjō will decide what is best for his dōjō.

Sample Kyū Promotion Certificate

What Does It Say?

Students (and sensei, too) often ask what the certificate says. The different areas on the certificate, from right to left:

空手道 or 古武道



The Promotion Information



金城 孝

ミシガン州 会長 ウェイン クロー

A Note to the Sensei

Requesting the Certificate

The sensei has only to e-mail or text Sue Crow with the date of the test, the names in English and the kyū being tested for. A week in advance is appreciated, but at least a day is fine.

In order to maintain the logo watermark, Japanese fonts, names in katakana and spacing consistent, Sue Crow produces a pdf file of the requested certificates. The pdf is e-mailed to the requesting party. The pdf can be conveniently printed on any inkjet printer on standard 8 1/2 by 11 paper. A nice paper stock is recommended.

Stamping the Certificate

The certificate may be stamped by the officiating sensei with the head of the dōjō’s official hanko at the conclusion of a successful test. To get the clearest possible stamp, use a yielding surface like a piece of felt or several layers of newspaper. The official stamp can be scanned and included in the certificate document, if requested.