Minnesota Kōburyū Kōbukai
About Our Style
Kōburyū is the name of our karate and kobudō style. Karate is the “empty hand” style of martial arts known for punching, kicking and throws. Kobudō is training with the weapons of ancient Okinawa, including the bō (six foot staff), sai, nunchaku and more. Kōburyū is firmly based in traditional karate, but with an emphasis on practical self-defense and natural use of the body. to create power. Most students study both karatedō and kobudō, but beginners are expected to start with karatedō. If you already have rank in another martial arts style, it is possible to pursue your interest in kobudō without pressure to change your empty-handed style. Students will progress according to their own ability, interest and commitment. Karatedō and kobudō have separate training, advancement, and test fees.
About the Dōjō
Okinawa kōburyū karatedō and kobudō sessions meet at the Martial Art Fitness Centers, Inc. (MACFI). The MAFCI facility has hardwood for perfect balance but with shock-absorbing construction for joint health. The Martial Art Fitness Centers, Inc. welcomes other martial arts styles, including tae kwon do, hapkido and aikidō. Feel free to explore the other options available, but our hope is that you will join us in practicing Okinawa Kōburyū karatedō and/or kobudō, . Free trial classes in karatedō and/or kobudō are available.
Contact Information
Okinawa Kōburyū Kōbukai of Rochester (OKKR)
2849 South Broadway
Rochester, Minnesota 55904
(507) 529-8009
Our Location
Class Schedule
Advanced Classes
- Tuesday 8 – 10 pm
- Thursday 8 – 10 pm
Beginner Class (please notify by e-mail or call)
- Wednesday 8 – 9 pm
Private Lessons (please notify by e-mail or call)
- Wednesday 9 – 10 pm
- Sunday 4 – 6 pm
About the Instructors
Head Instructors
Kaichō Frank Crow and Kaichō Sue Crow are the head instructors of Okinawa Kōburyū karatedō and kobudō (ancient Okinawan weapons) at the Rochester dōjō. They both have over 35 years of teaching experience, teaching first in Kalamazoo, Michigan for fifteen years before moving to Minnesota in 1999. Frank and Sue are tenth degree black belts in Kōburyū karatedō and kobudō. The red belt is an honorary distinction – not the same as a taekwondo red belt, which is equivalent to a brown belt.

Karate and Kobudō

Karate and Kobudō
Other Instructors
Michael Ayers has been a student of karate and kobudō at the Rochester dōjō since 2002. He also assists with teaching and is the go-to partner for bunkai and other partner exercises. He has helped many students with their black belt test requirements. | Mike Heldebrant joined the first kobudō class ever held at the Rochester dōjō. Shortly after he joined karate class. After job-related moves, he returned to Minnesota and Kōburyū training in 2018. Mike is not currently teaching, but plans to open a dōjō in the Minneapolis area. |

Godan Karate and Kobudō

Sandan Karate and Kobudō