It is a matter of pride and authenticity that our karate and kobudō style can be traced back to famous Okinawan masters of old. Moreover, the founder of our karate and kobudō style and the head of our organization, Sōkei Kaichō Kinjō Takashi, is a present-day Okinawan master of both karate and kobudō.
Where in the World Is Okinawa?
The island of Okinawa is the largest island in a group of islands that make up the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan. A prefecture is a political entity much like a state in the U.S. The island of Okinawa is 70 miles long and 7 miles wide. By comparison, the state of Hawaii is 23 times as large as Okinawa Prefecture.
Okinawa Midway Between Taiwan and Kyūshū
The islands of the Okinawa Prefecture are part of the Ryūkyū Islands, a group of islands in the East China Sea that stretch from Kyūshū, the southern-most of the four main islands of Japan, southwest to Taiwan.
The Climate
Okinawa is subject to numerous typhoons during the typhoon season, which peaks in August and September. Since a typhoon loses power as it travels northward, typhoons that reach land in Okinawa are typically more powerful than typhoons that hit the more-northern main islands of Japan.
The island of Okinawa is subtropical with areas of lovely beaches and ocean vistas. Recently tourism has become the most important industry of Okinawa. However, tourism has struggled since 2020 due to the massive blow dealt by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Ryūkyū Islands, including Okinawa, are coral in origin. The soils are poor and there is a scarcity of metals. Sugar cane, pineapples and cut flowers, most notably orchids, are grown for export.